Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Ten Commandments of Being a Team Member

    1. Thou shall be trusted. This means:
    • You have integrity. You live with integrity. You promote integrity. 
    • You do not make promises you cannot keep. 
    • You keep confidences.
    • You choose to do the right thing over the easy thing.
    • You know what is listed on your resume is the truth and can be verified.

    2. Thou shall know thy strengths and lead accordingly. This means:
    • You also know your weaknesses and are not afraid to admit them.
    • You allow others to lead with their gifts, talents and passions.
    • You empower others.
    • You walk-your-talk and are a role model.
    • You build relationships and network.
    3. Thou shall have a personal vision and thou shall support, believe and promote the team’s vision. This means:    
    • You examine your life, because the unexamined life is not worth living! 
    • You know your core principles. You use your core principles as a foundation to discover your purpose and mission.
    • You know the team’s mission and are inspired by the team’s mission because it is in sync with your personal mission. 
    • You live your mission and the team’s mission.

    4. Thou knows thy customer is actually a guest. This means:
    • You know the guest is ANYONE who relies on your work—including team members as well as those seeking your goods and services.
    • You treat the guest the way you’d treat your mother!
    • You know the way you treat team members has tremendous impact on how you treat others who desire your goods and services.
    • You know that the guest desires to have a great experience and you can choose to give them a great experience!
    • You know that you must strive to bring your best to the team everyday.
    5. Thou shall seek to understand. This means:
    • You are curious. You ask questions, especially, “Tell me more!”
    • You listen more than you talk.
    • You suspend judgment.
    • You avoid assumptions.
    • You deal with change constructively and effectively. You understand that change is an opportunity rather than a problem.
    6. Thou encourages others. This means:
    • You get to know others on the team including how they like to receive praise, where they like to receive praise and when they like to receive praise.
    • You catch people doing the right things and acknowledge their actions.
    • You give away credit.
    • You practice compassion continuously, especially with those who have a lower title and less power than you.
    • You give people your time including your full, undivided attention and don’t one-up them when they tell their story.
    • You are more interested in others than being interesting to others.
    7. Thou shall not triangulate. This means:
    • You meet face-to-face with the person you have a problem or conflict. You do not use email to deal with emotional issues. You don’t go to another team member and spread your problem.
    • You draw upon a neutral third party who can help each side see the other’s point of view.
    • You acknowledge the fear creeping into the relationship and work to find common ground to have a conversation and avoid bad behavior.
    • You avoid being a victim. You recognize the world is not out to get you! 
    • You do not complain or whine especially when things do not go your way. This is wasted energy. You are not an ouch looking for a hurt!
    8. Thou shall not become a workaholic. This means:
    • You have a life and encourage others to have a life.
    • You inspire balance for others.
    9. Thou shall not come to work sick. This means:
    • You cannot be good for the team unless you are good for yourself.
    • You do not spread your illness to others.
    • You prevent becoming sick by sharpening your saw daily including eating well, getting exercise and getting enough sleep.

    10. Thou shall not take thyself so seriously. This means:
    • You do not let shame rule your life. You will make mistakes. It’s a part of being human.
    • You learn from mistakes and failures. They are valuable lessons.
    • You know not to take things personally. It’s not all about you!
    • You learn to laugh at yourself...out loud...loudly...often!


    Amy Thompson said...

    Dave- I love this. I am printing it out and it is going on my wall. What a great way to break it down! Lead on.....

    Amy Thompson said...

    Dave - I love this. What a great way to look at teamwork. I have printed this out and have it on my desk. Lead on Dave.....

    Amy Thopson