I was a member of Troop 516, Centerville, OH, under Scoutmaster Larry Lemser and earned the rank of Eagle Scout as well as my God and Country award. I was a member of the Order of the Arrow. I worked at Woodland Trails Boy Scout Camp for two summers at the waterfront as a lifeguard and where I learned to sail.
I attended the 7th National Boy Scout Jamboree, Farragut Park, Idaho, in 1969. Astronaut and Eagle Scout Neil Armstrong spoke to 35,000 of us from the moon!
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David Carr, standing last row on the end at far right. |
Old scout joke that speaks truth: What’s the difference between government and the Boy Scouts? The Boy Scouts have adult leadership.
The Boy Scout motto: Be prepared.
The Boy Scout slogan: Do a good turn daily.
The Boy Scout Oath (three promises): On my honor, I will do my best. To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
The Boy Scout Law: A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Clean and Reverent.
If you walked into my office, you'd see a shadowbox frame—Christmas gift from my mother—with my God and Country award and a shadow of where my Eagle Scout award used to be. (I sent my Eagle Award back to the Boy Scouts of America in July 2012. Read my blog, "Dear Mr. Mazzuca," to understand why.) I am still an Eagle Scout in body, mind and heart. I still live the motto, believe in the slogan, try to keep the three promises and try to live the law. All have served me well, especially in my adult life. They all sync with my core beliefs of Micah 6:8.
Last night, the honorary president of the Boy Scouts of America spoke to 30,000 scouts gathered for the 19th National Boy Scout Jamboree at Summit Bechtel National Scout Reserve in Glen Jean, West Virginia. I cringed at all the wildly inappropriate un-Boy Scout remarks he made. Some called it a "rampaging id." Most of all, he failed to understand the Boy Scout law when he told the assembly:
“As the Scout Law says: ‘A Scout is trustworthy, loyal’—we could use some more loyalty, I will tell you that,” Trump said, and paused there. The assembled scouts shouted the rest of it for him: “… helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.”
This POTUS, does not understand the definition of loyalty as prescribed by the Boy Scout Law. His definition of loyalty is something owed to him. The Boy Scouts of America require loyalty to God and Country, not to an individual. By living the Boy Scout Law, you serve God and Country by living the principles.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions acted correctly by recusing himself from the Russian probe. Now he is the scorn of the president for being "unloyal" to him and being loyal to our country's principles, its Declaration of Independence, its Constitution of the United States and its laws
This is the president who told James Comey, “I expect loyalty.” What this president failed to realize is that Comey is rightfully loyal to God and this country first, including its principles, its Declaration of Independence, its Constitution of the United States and its laws.
The POTUS' recent discussions with his lawyers about the ability to pardon himself and his family members is prime evidence this president is loyal only to himself and not the office he holds or the country he serves. What a difference it would be if POTUS was truly a Boy Scout and lived the Boy Scout principles!
Side note: President Nixon did not come and speak to our Jamboree.
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